Introduction to Beekeeping

Have you been thinking about getting into beekeeping but aren’t sure what that entails? Come to one of our two orientation sessions to learn more about what you can expect.

2025 was a great into class with demonstrations and information that took people with no knowledge of Honeybees to ready to confidently jump into beekeeping with both feet.

We learned the difference between the bee hive and the bee colony. We got to feel and lift equipment. See a smoker and protective gear. And found out where to get the best prices on everything.

Beekeeping is a new language and we learned how to speak it.

We got direction on how to learn more and made connections with experienced beekeepers who we can call on to answer our questions.

Next class will be in January of 2026

Topics Include:

  • Bee Basics What is beekeeping?
  • What does beekeeping take?
  • How much time does beekeeping require?
  • What does beekeeping cost?


For any questions please contact Don MacCombie 315-656-3149

Cost: $20 per person

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you can also pay in person at a regular meeting with cash, check, venmo and more.