The Mid-York Beekeeping club will be hosted our annual intermediate beekeeping class on Saturday, March 22nd 2025 at the Cornell Cooperative Extension of Oneida County located at 121 2nd Street, Oriskany NY. Registration will begin at 8:30 am and the class will begin promptly at 9:00 am. The registration fee covers the class, refreshments, buffet lunch, door prizes, and a raffle to win free bees. Register early, we only have enough room for the first 50 students. You must register AND pay the registration fee to attend the class.
Topics that were covered covered include:
- Brood Disease
- Swarm Trapping
- Making Splits and Swarm Managment
- Plants for Bees
- Colony Life Cycle
- Pests and Treatments
- Products of the Hive
- Frame Management
- Round Table Discussion
- Questions and Answers
For any questions please contact Don MacCombie 315-656-3149
Cost: $65.00 per person
sign up on our site and create a username and pass word to access additional resources
you can pay via credit cart or pay pal
pay off site using credit card, apple pay, amazon pay, cash app and more, all without having to create a profile on our site
you can also pay in person at a regular meeting with cash, check, venmo and more.