Field Training Session

The MYBA is offering a great field training program to the public.  If you just took our beginners class or you already have bees and just want more hands on training, this course is for you. Come out to work with bees while our Master Beekeepers can give you priceless advice. We recommend taking our beginners course and field training to set you on a path to success in your beekeeping adventures.

We will have two dates for each session, excluding the first which is orientation and the last which is winter wrap up.. You are welcome to choose either date for each session but only one per session.
Dates may change to fit the bees schedule and each session is 2 hours

  • April 19th : Orientation, Outfitting the Yard and the Beekeeper
  • May 3rd or May 17th: Meet the bees The Hive as a Super-organism
  • May 31st or June 14th: New Colonies Swarms and Swarm management
  • June 28th or July 12th:  Hive inspections
  • July 26th or August 9th: Hive inspection
  • August 23rd or September 6th: Honey Management and Harvest
  • September 20th or October 4th: Hive inspection
  • October 18th: Wrapping all hives, adding mouse guards, winter feed, and clean observation hive

You will also learn how to light your smokers and proper use of smoke, record keeping, proper use of hive tools, protective gear, and gain a full season of work experience in the apiary.

Space in the course is limited; register now to insure you get in this year’s class.


For any questions please contact Don MacCombie 315-656-3149

Cost: $225

sign up on our site and create a username and pass word to access additional resources
you can pay via credit cart or pay pal

pay off site using credit card, apple pay, amazon pay, cash app and more, all without having to create a profile on our site

you can also pay in person at a regular meeting with cash, check, venmo and more.